# Webpack & Front-End

# Webpack

Webpack allows you to merge and minify your js files but also sass, scss and css.

In the assets folder, there are folders dedicated to front-end javascript development, but also for the style part with sass, scss and css without forgetting the img folder to store our images, these will be optimized if they are heavy.

In order for your js, sass, scss and css files to be compiled, you must add them to the entry part of your webpack.config.js file.

The webpack configuration makes sure that your javascript code is compatible with the maximum number of browsers via babel, for you to adapt your configuration in .babelrc files.

To be able to use webpack, you must first have at least 10 nodejs installed and then run the commands :

$ npm install

To be able to merge and minify your files in the public folder of your application, you have these commands :

# Compile in development mode with the watch option (linux/mac version)
$ npm run webpackdev
# Compile in production mode (linux/mac version)
$ npm run webpack
# Compile in development mode with the watch option (windows version)
$ npm run webpack:win
# Compile in production mode (windows version)
$ npm run webpackdev:win


You can easily remove webpack to replace it with another tool or and manage your css/js files directly in the public folder.